Custom Scalars

Recommended background reading#

Custom Scalars in RescriptRelay#

GraphQL allow you to define custom scalars that can be used throughout your schema. In RescriptRelay, you can handle custom scalars in 3 different ways:

  1. Map custom scalars to an existing type. This is useful if you have something that doesn't need decoding, like a Color scalar that's really just a string.
  2. Map custom scalars to an abstract type. This is useful when you have a custom scalar like a Cursor that you shouldn't touch on the client, but just pass on as-is.
  3. Have RescriptRelay automatically convert your custom scalar values for you at runtime. This is useful when you have a custom scalar like Datetime which you know you'll always want to convert to a Js.Date.t at runtime, and want to avoid the hassle of doing that manually.

Defining Custom Scalars#

Custom scalars are defined in the project's relay.config.js (you can read more about relay.config.js here). It's pretty simple, you just add a mapping from scalar name to a custom scalar value. Let's cover all 3 use cases outlined above in an example:

// relay.config.js
module.exports = {
customScalars: {
// This just maps all `Color` scalars to `string`.
// This is useful _when you know it's in fact a string_, and
// when you know you'll want to interact with the custom scalar
// as a string at runtime.
Color: "string",
// This maps the `Cursor` scalar to an abstract type. Remember,
// you'll need to point out an actual, existing type here.
// In this example, we've created a file in our project called
// that just define the abstract type shown below.
// This is useful when you _don't want anyone to touch the custom
// scalar at runtime_. In this example, a Cursor should be opaque,
// meaning the client should never manipulate it. An abstract type
// helps enforce that.
Cursor: "CustomScalars.cursor",
// By instead setting a _module name_ (denoted by the fact that
// Datetime in Utils.Datetime is capitalized, meaning it's a module
// and not a type), RescriptRelay will automatically convert your
// value for you at runtime. We'll expand on this below.
Datetime: "Utils.Datetime",

Automatic decoding and encoding of values#

Expanding on the Datetime example above, whenever you want RescriptRelay to automatically convert a custom scalar for you at runtime, do this:

  1. As in the example above, define the custom scalar mapping as a module. This is decided by that what the mapping points to is a capitalized name, which in Reason means it's a module.
  2. Make sure the module you're pointing to exists in your project, and implements this signature:
module YourCustomScalarModuleName: {
type t /* This can be anything */
let parse: Js.Json.t => t /* Going from a raw JSON value to your type t */
let serialize: t => Js.Json.t /* Going from type t to a raw JSON value */

It's of course fine to have more functions and types on your custom scalar module, but it needs to at least have the signature above.

Let's finish this off with some examples.


Imagine this query:

query SomeQuery {
currentTime # Custom scalar: Datetime
favoriteColor # Custom scalar: Color

If no definition for the custom scalars Datetime or Color were defined in relay.config.js, the generated types would look like this:

type response = {
currentTime: RescriptRelay.any,
favoriteColor: RescriptRelay.any,

But, if we were to add the following definitions for the custom scalars:

// relay.config.js
module.exports = {
customScalars: {
Color: "string",
Datetime: "Utils.Datetime"

The response would instead look like this:

type response = {
currentTime: Utils.Datetime.t,
favoriteColor: string,

...and currentTime would always be automatically converted using Utils.Datetime.parse, and serialized using Utils.Datetime.serialize if it ever needs to be sent back to the server in a mutation, variables etc. But you don't need to think about that, it all happens automatically.

Great, huh? This means you can model custom scalars any way you want and that makes sense for your use case.