
Recommended background reading#

Subscriptions in Relay#

Subscriptions use a different network configuration than queries and mutations. They use websocket to send and receive data from the server. We will need to configure the Relay environment by providing a subscriptionFunction when creating the Relay network. Relay will call this function every time we want to create a new subscription. We will also need to pick a subscription client. In this example we will be using subscription-transport-ws. Those are the minimal required bindings for our example to work, but they are tied to rescript-relay itself, and would need to be adjusted in order to be used for other purposes.

/* SubscriptionsTransportWs.res */
type operationOptions = {
query: string,
variables: Js.Json.t,
type observable<'a> = {
"subscribe": RescriptRelay.Observable.sink<'a> => RescriptRelay.Observable.subscription,
type t<'a> = {@meth "request": operationOptions => observable<'a>}
@new @module("subscriptions-transport-ws")
external createSubscriptionClient: (string, 'a) => t<'b> = "SubscriptionClient"
let createSubscriptionClient = createSubscriptionClient

The following code is a Reason version of the example from the official Relay documentation:

/* RelayEnv.res */
let subscriptionClient = SubscriptionsTransportWs.createSubscriptionClient(
{"reconnect": true},
let subscriptionFunction: RescriptRelay.Network.subscribeFn = (config, variables, _cacheConfig) => {
let query = config.text
let subscriptionQuery: SubscriptionsTransportWs.operationOptions = {
query: query,
variables: variables,
RescriptRelay.Observable.make(sink => {
let observable = subscriptionClient["request"](subscriptionQuery)
let subscription = observable["subscribe"](sink)
let network = RescriptRelay.Network.makePromiseBased(
let store = {
open RescriptRelay
Store.make(~source=RecordSource.make(), ())
let environment = RescriptRelay.Environment.make(~network, ~store, ())

Subscriptions in RescriptRelay are defined using the %relay() extension node. The following example shows how to define and start a subscription with RescriptRelay.

Lets imagine we have the following schema:

enum TicketStatus {
type Ticket implements Node {
id: ID!
status: TicketStatus!
title: string!

Then in your module we can subscribe to changes to the ticket status. Fragments in relay automatically subscribe to updates for the fragment data, see Relay docs. So when we receive an event that the ticket status updated the fragments referencing the data will receive an update and re-render the new state.

/* Ticket.res */
module TicketStatusFragment = %relay(`
fragment TicketStatus on Ticket {
module TicketStatusSubscription = %relay(
subscription TicketStatusSubscription($id: ID!) {
ticket(id: $id) {
... TicketStatus
let make = (~ticketId) => {
let environment = RescriptRelay.useEnvironmentFromContext()
React.useEffect2(() => {
let subscription = TicketStatusSubscription.subscribe(
~variables={id: ticketId},
Some(() => RescriptRelay.Disposable.dispose(subscription))
}, (ticketId, environment))
/* The rest of the code here... */

A note on naming: Due to the rules of Relay, a subscription must be named <ModuleName><optionally_anything_here>Subscription, where module name here means file name, not ReScript module name. So for a file Ticket.res, all subscriptions in that file must start with Ticket regardless of whether they're defined in nested modules or not. All subscription names must also end with Subscription.

Using VSCode? Our dedicated VSCode extension lets you codegen new subscriptions easily, including boilerplate for components, via the command > Add subscription.

See the examples folder for a working subscription sample.

API Reference#

%relay() with a subscription in it is expanded to a module containing the following functions:


environmentEnvironment.tYesInstantiated relay environment
variablesabstract typeYesVariables derived from the GraphQL operation
onCompletedoption(unit => unit)NoA callback function executed when the subscription is closed by the peer without error
onErroroption(Js.Exn.t => unit)NoA callback function executed when Relay or the server encounters an error processing the subscription
onNextoption(C.response => unit)NoA callback function executed each time a response is received from the server, with the raw GraphQL response payload. C.response is the response data requested in the graphql query.
updateroption((RecordSourceSelectorProxy.t, C.response) => unit)NoAn optional function that can supply custom logic for updating the in-memory Relay store based on the server response

subscribe uses Relay's requestSubscription under the hood, which is documented here